September MUST Reads
September 11th
Patriot Day
Constitution Day
Today's tip is all about Read Alouds that are specific to September! Now these books can be read at any time of the year, but reading them in September will contribute to their relevancy.
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First up is Bravemole by Lynne Jonell
This book is a great way to explain the events of September 11th. It doesn't actually discuss the planes and the towers, but provides easy to compare references. This book could be used to compare and illustrate for children the events of that day. It is about a large community of moles. One day two dragons with "cruelty in its face" slammed into the Mountains of mole hills. Moles began running from the mountains and others began digging to help. News came around that other dragons had attacked other Mountains and their was talk of a nest of more dragons. All the moles came together--they were Bravemoles.
Next up is Fireboat by Maira Kalman
This book is about the John J. Harvey fireboat and its adventures. The John J. Harvey fireboat worked hard over many years, but in 1995 New York City no longer needed it and thought it was old and useless. A group of people got together to save the John J. Harvey from being sold for scrap. It was repaired and put out on the water again. However, many didn't think it could fight a New York City fire anymore, but on the events of September 11th the John J. Harvey was called upon to help fight the fires at the Twin Towers.
Another read is America Is Under Attack by Don Brown
This book is a straightforward chronological account of the unforgettable events of September 11th. It begins with the planes being hijacked to then crashing into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. It then accounts the first responders rescue efforts to the collapse of both towers. The illustrations capture the chaos and emotion of that day.
Next up is We The Kids The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States by David Catrow. A great read for Constitution Day.
This book is a simple little picture book with one phrase of The Preamble on each two page spread of the book, but the illustrations will help bring meaning to the complex vocabulary. This book can be used with any grade level because of the complex and abstract ideas. However, after browsing the book, you will have to be the judge. It's a great little text that I've used with 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade!
Happy reading!
Until next time...

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resources to accompany the read alouds shared above.